Organisation Development
We offer services in this broad area of work that entails working with organisations to help them overcome a variety of problems resulting from changes in the business environment or arising out of internal changes. The activities undertaken as part of this process include: strategic planning, restructuring, introducing new work systems, setting new work standards, etc. The thrust of these activities is diagnostic and the recommendations made are dependent on the specific needs of the organisation.
The objective of these activities is to help the organisation come to terms with changes/developments in the marketplace and put in place the changes needed to ensure its success.
Some of the assignments completed include:
For Water Resource Management Authority
Adept Systems was commissioned through the GIZ Water Reform Program to conduct a Staff Audit for Water Resource Authority headquarters, Regional and Sub Regional offices. The objective of the Staff Audit was to establish whether the current staff levels in the organisation are sustainable and examine how their recruitment and placement was conducted with the aim of having the right numbers and skills required by the organization to execute its mandate.
For MUA and Saham Kenya
MUA Kenya has just received IRA approval to finalise the acquisition of Saham Kenya. Both are insurance company that offer General and Medical insurance services. Over the last month, Adept Systems has been supporting the two organisations to identify the critical HR actions that will need to be taken as a result of the merger that will result in the transfer of all Saham Kenya employees to MUA on an ongoing-concern basis. Work includes, working closely with the lawyers to design required documentation, handle all consultation activities, including those with the Union and resolve any challenges arising. The goal is to achieve the full transfer of all Saham Kenya employees, on a tripartite basis.
For Capwell Industries
Since November 2020, Adept Systems has been supporting this grain milling and trading company to restructure its sales and marketing business that hires 100 staff. WE have reviewed the structure against the organisation’s goals as expressed in the business plan and budget, identified gaps, redesigned the structure, set competency requirements for each role in the structure and developed job descriptions. We have then assessed all staff to confirm suitability for varying roles in the structure and supported staffing from both within and outside the organisation as need. The next task is to support the KPI setting process and subsequently redesign the compensation policies and structure of the company.
For Kenblest Group (2020)
Kenblest Group went through a comprehensive restructuring of its businesses that saw the company collapse the companies it operated and reorganise them into three companies are the core business operations of grain milling, maize milling and baking. All 400 employees of the group has to be reassigned to the appropriate companies based on their roles. Consultations had to be carried out with the staff and the Union as legally required, new contracts designed and issued. We have now been approached with a request to redesign the sales and marketing function, assess staff and advise of revised processes.
For Chrome Partners (2019)
The owners of six printing companies decided to merge their businesses to ensure more efficient business operations and reduce operating costs. Adept Systems was contracted to redesign the organisation structure, develop job descriptions, assess directors and staff and reassign them to optimal roles, identify redundant staff and handle the entire redundancy processes, including the notifications, the consultations, the computation of exit packages.
Restructuring of Kenya Markets Trust (2018)
KMT commissioned Adept Systems to carry out an organizational review and support the subsequent reorganisation. The work included the review of the organisational structure, preparation of job descriptions, redesigning the compensation structures, redefining the performance management system of the organisation and the review and update the HR Policy & Procedures manual. This work required us to engage with the organisation, including the board, over several months.
Adept Systems was contracted to run the acquisition of GIRO Bank by I&M from and HR perspective. We were involved with the planning of the acquisition, working in close consultation with the legal advisers, managed all the communication and consultations with the staff, the Unions and Ministry of Labour, etc. We then handled the redundancy process and ultimately and supported I&M Bank to transfer the GIRO Bank staff to their own organisation.
For Morani Ltd (Sirimon Cheese)
For this young, entrepreneurial organisation, we were contracted to assess the adequacy of organisational and staffing requirements in light of the rapid growth that the company has enjoyed over the last four years. We assessed the organisation structure, the staff numbers and quality, examined the processes to determine adequacy and consistency of application. We also closely examine the quality management processes. We recommended improvements across the board and developed job descriptions
For Telkom Kenya Limited
Adept Systems was contracted to provide technical support in respect to the review, updating and development of Telkom Kenya’s Human Resource (HR) policies and procedures with an aim to harmonize the resulting HR policies and procedures throughout the organization.
For Mombasa Maize Millers
Adept supported MMM in the review of the organisation structure to determine it appropriateness. The structure review is expected to include: the review of organisation structures for each member company; opportunities for defining and implementing group roles is to be considered and proposed as appropriate. The assignment also involved a review of current staffing levels against the proposed organisation structures to identify staffing excesses and resultant opportunities for staff redeployment.