Staff Assessment / Skills Audit

Staff assessment or skills audit is an essential activity in any organisation. The rapidly changing environment in which we operate demands that organisations reassess their skills needs on a regular basis, assess their staff against these needs and draw up suitable training and development plans.

Our role in this respect involves working in close collaboration with organisations to help them identify their training needs. This process is normally preceded by a performance appraisal process together with a review of the operational plans.

Some of the assignments completed include:

  • We regularly carry out staff assessment exercises as part of our recruitment, organisational restructuring and performance improvement assignments.

  • We provided HR management support to this company on a one day a week basis. The objective of this intervention was to support the improvement of HR systems and processes and develop in-house capacity.

  • Conducted performance management training for this Uganda based company.

  • Contracted by the bank to carry out an assessment of their senior management team.  The objective was to determine the extent to which they were able to effectively execute their assigned roles, manage train and develop their juniors; and provide the level of leadership and guidance to steer the Bank through a planned growth process.

  • Carried out a mid-term review of the ODA funded NGO capacity building project. Key activities included: reviewing project document and implementation reports, interviewing staff, visiting field offices, meeting with both primary and secondary stakeholders and assessing the adequacy of institutional arrangements in respect to the projects’ needs. Outputs included a report of suggested improvements and a workshop for stakeholders.

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